Floor 1

Floor 2

floor 3


The Collection consists of the paintings, sculptures and other objects acquired by  Jane and Richard Reynolds, often from young artists, from the 1960’s onwards.

There was no particular system, or theme, or strategy underlying their acquisitions, nor in the early years much money for them.  Rather, wherever they went, if they liked something they saw, however humble, they bought it if they could afford it.

Jane, as a museum conservator, had a Fine Arts training and the ‘eye’ that goes with this.  Living in central London, they had the opportunity to view (and often to buy from) the degree shows at the Royal College of Art and other colleges.  An uncle of Jane was a ceramics teacher and there is an interesting group of  his works in the collection. Most of the furniture in the collection was handed down from earlier generations of the families.

Amongst the painters who feature significantly in the collection are: Susan Hawker, Michael Sofroniou, Neil Stokoe, Peter Maltz, Nicholas Jones, Pyotr Mzecklo and Ishbel Myerscough.  And amongst the sculptors: Guiseppe Ducrot, Alma Hoskins, Valerie Merlo and Jean Parker.



The Reynolds Foundation also has a small collection of antique and vintage clothing and embroidery that was collected by the late Jane Reynolds in the 1960s and 1970s.